Bulawayo City Council


Senzangakhona School


"Determination Breeds Success"

Senzangakhona was the father of King Tshaka of Zululand. Tshaka played a pivotal role as a leader in shaping and engineering an army that brought massive change in Southern Africa. The School was named Senzangakhona with the thinking that children from this institution will play a leading role in society and their contribution as citizens will have immense influence in shaping the face of their environment positively.

Date Established

January 1996.

Enrolment and Staffing at Inception as Well as Current

On first day of opening the school had an enrolment of 770 pupils. There was no grade 7 class. There were only three teachers. The number of teachers gradually increased with time. Currently the School has an enrolment of 1 139 boys and 1 096 girls. The staffing is made up of 5 males and 52 females.

Location of the School

The school is situated 13km South West of the City Centre. From the city centre one drives along Plumtree Road. A few meters before Mbokodo Butchery one turns to the right along Rangemore Road.

Curriculum Offered

Mathematics, English, Ndebele, R.M.E., Social Studies, Environmental Science, Home Economics, Art, Music, Physical Education, Aids Education.

Co-Curricular Activities

  • Athletics, Soccer, Netball, Rugby, Cricket, Volley Ball, Baseball.
  • Clubs.
  • Scripture Union, HIV/AIDS Club, Dummies, Drama and Quiz, Scouts, Music.

Achievements and Awards

  • Academic Excellence Certificate in Grade 7; Pass Rate 80% to 1999.
  • Outstanding Achievement in Grade 7 Certificate in 2001.
  • Clustering : Academic and Sporting.
  • Schools which comprise Nketa Cluster are Nketa Primary, Manondwane Primary,Mganwini Primary, Mgiqika Primary, Senzangakhona Primary.
  • Yearly these schools compete in the following disciplines, Athletics,Netball, Soccer, Volley Ball, Base Ball, Quiz, Music.
  • For Mid-Year Exams and End of Years Grades 5 to 7 write papers set at Cluster Level.

Role of Support Staff

We have the bursar, senior clerical assistant who compliment each other on working out the financial books. The bursar, is our buyer, so as to say she is the one responsible for our financial needs of the School. She also sits at our PTA executive meetings to give professional financial advice. The Senior Clerical does the daily receipting of School finances and workers closely with the bursar.

Besides the two above, we have the caretaker who is responsible for safety of all movable and non-movable assets in the School. With him there are the grounds men who help to maintain our lovely grounds. Our grounds are second to none in the City Council Schools. The functions of these support staff make it easy for the professional staff to pursue their day to day running of their teaching functions as they concentrate on their core function of delivering education to pupils.

Role of Council

As the responsible Authority, the Council plays a pivotal role in the delivery of material for curriculum implementation.

Challenges Faced Over the Years

There are many challenges that the School has faced over the years. As it is the only primary school in this fast developing section of Emganwini Suburb, the school is over burdened by high enrolment which has 100% hot sitting. This practice of for sitting is not healthy for effective teaching as teaching time is shortened by the sharing of rooms.

There is also the problem of textbook shortages. In some classes there are no textbooks which makes it difficult for curriculum implementation.

The other problem is that of lack of financial support from parents. Ever since the introduction of hard currency, it has been difficult for parents to pay the expected cash by the school. This also negatively affects the operation of the school as it partly depends on levies paid by the parents to purchase complimentary learning and teaching materials.

Projections for the future

We want to improve the furniture situation as we have in-adequate furniture for our pupils. The PTA has discussed this issue with parents and they have since agreed to repair what has broken down, then further go on to make purchase of new furniture. This arrangement will go a long way in improving the pupils performance.

The P.T.A. with the support from parents wants to top up efforts made by Council in purchase of textbooks till the textbook ration improves to manageable figures of 1 textbook to 2 pupils. The Council supports the school by purchasing textbooks for use by pupils. They also buy stationery which is much needed at the school. We are also supplied with cleansing materials by the Responsible Authority.

The teaching staff together with the School administration want to keep on improving the School academic performance in public examinations every year. This will be made possible by having healthy relations among teachers, parents, pupils and the Responsible Authority.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free