Bulawayo City Council


St. Peters School


"Hard work and respect of others"


The name of the school is St. Peters' Primary School. It refers to a place where people can get help. The name was derived from the old school which is situated near the new school. When the new school was built, most of the things in the old school were handed over to the new school and as a result the name also. The old school was owned by the Roman Catholic Church who named their school St. Peters' deriving this name from the bible from Peter who was chosen to be one of Jesus' follower and helper.

Date Established


Enrolment and Staffing at Inception

Teachers: 3 males and 5 females = 8
Pupils: 130 boys and 171 girls = 301

Current Enrolment and Staffing


Males 2
Females 6
Total 8


Males 148
Females 148
Total 296

Location of School

Mazwi Village, Pumula, its situation at the western side of the Central Business Centre about 22 km from city centre.

Curriculum Offered



  • Academic Excellence Award Certificate 1986
  • Certificate of Excellence in Arts and Culture 2006
  • Honours Award for Senior Choir 1982
  • Second Class Award K.G. Choir 1982
  • School Tree Growing & Tree Care Competition 2nd Prize 1993
  • Athletics Floating Plague and Floating Trophy
  • Clustering and Sporting
  • St. Peter's Primary belongs to Hyde Park South Cluster which includes the following schools namely Dumezweni, Godlwayo, Robert Sinyoka and Ngwalongwalo.

Composition of Support Staff

The support staff is made up of the following:


  • Is the financial advisor to Head on all matters concerning finance.
  • Makes all purchasers for the school books stationery and cleansing materials.
  • Keeps and maintains records of all school finances.
  • Balances all the books of accounts and does petty cash transactions.
  • Periodically checks all stock items in the storeroom.

Clerical Assistant

  • Supervises ancillary staff if bursar is away.
  • Keeps pupils records.
  • Keeps the admissions register and does the enrolment of all new pupils.
  • Attends to all parents and visitors to the school and directs them forward


  • Runs errands, collects and delivers mail.
  • Cleans offices and does any other jobs delegated to him.


  • Keeps buildings and school property secure.
  • Sees to the cleanliness of all rooms.
  • Ensures that grounds are clean.
  • Does minor repairs.


  • Keeps ground clean and tidy.
  • Clean pupils' toilets.
  • Maintain trees and lawns.
  • The relationship between the support staff and the professional staff is good.

Role of Council in the Administration and Running of the School

  • The Council is the responsible authority. The Council makes sure that any challenges that face the school are dealt with as a matter of urgency.
  • Role of the PTA is to assist in the development of the school.
  • Act as a link between the school and the community.
  • To encourage the community to pay fees and levies of the school.

Challenges faced over the years in the running of the school

  • High rate of staff turnover which was caused by non-availability of accommodation at the school although this problem has been dealt with.
  • Non-availability of reliable transport to ferry the teachers and pupils to sports.
  • Negative attitude of some parents towards education.
  • Resistance of parents to pay fees and levies for their children.
  • Low pass rate at Grade 7 level which had been caused by high rate of staff turnover.

Projections for the Future

  • To lure most experienced teachers to the school in order to improve pass rate.
  • To increase the number of teachers' cottages.
  • To encourage parents to pay their dues for their children.
  • To buy school-bus for the school.
  • To buy school choir and drum majorettes uniforms.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free