Bulawayo City Council


Tategulu School


"Success is our pride"

Date Established

Established in 1999.

Enrolment and Staffing

At Inseption

The school started with an enrolment of 800 pupils and 25 teachers.

Current Enrolment

Currently 2 074 pupils and 52 teachers.

Location of the School

The school is located to the North West direction from the CBD in Cowdray Park Suburb. It is about 15km from the city centre.

Curriculum Offered

The school offers Early Childhood Development for ages 3-5 and then primary education from grades 1 - 7.


  • The school has made a lot of achievements both academic and sports.
  • Sports awards were in the soccer, netball and volleyball for eight years running.
  • Awards are given at both the academic and sporting disciplines from Cluster, District and Provincial levels.
  • It has excelled in Grade 7 results at Cluster and District levels.

Role of Council in Administration and running of the School and that of P.T.A.

The Council sets standards for the school i.e. academic standards and sports as it provides books and sporting material to the school. The funds are derived from the fees they charge.

The PTA, which is a body representing the parents oversees activities going on at the school. The parents pay levies that actually make the school move, in terms of books and stationery to be used by teachers in their daily teaching activities. Other projects proposed by teachers or parents and approved by council are also entertained.

Challenges Faced Over the Years

The school has been facing financial challenges over the years due to the economic environment prevailing in the Council. Availability of finance at any time transforms the school to an excellent institution.

Projection for the future

The school needs more classrooms in order to reverse the hot seating prevailing. The systems make teaching difficult. A hall for all sorts of activities is desperately required. So many activities take place at the school but few people can be accommodated because of limited space.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free