Bulawayo City Council


Vehicle Fines

Shop Building Floor Area 2021 Charge ZWL Proposed Increase ZWL 2022 Proposed Charge ZWL
Park other than in white boundary lines $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park over lines of parking bays $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
"Park M/V in taxi cyles bays etc" $905.54 $4,074.93 $4,980.00
Park taxi-cab other than in prescibed bay $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park M/V for the pur[pose of loading passengers $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Passenger board M/V from undesignated place $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
Operate commutter omnibus from undesignated pla $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Enter/leave commutter omnibus or bus whilst in motion $603.69 $2,716.62 $3,320.00
"Park motor cycle handcart or bicycle other than in" $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
Park M/V more than prescribed period $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to display a prepaid parking disc $603.69 $2,716.62 $3,320.00
Park vehicle other than M/V in a prepaid parking bay $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Display a disc belonging to another vehicle $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Display a disc outside windscreen $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park in front of a drive way $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to display a valid licence disc $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Display a vehicle licence disc issued to a different $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park in a NO Parking $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
"Park other than 7,5 metres from a corner" $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park motor cycle less than 4m from a corner $603.69 $2,716.62 $3,320.00
Park more than 45 minutes in a service lane $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to comply with directional signs $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park on a pavement $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
"Park, push hand cart/ drive motor vehicle upon a pa" $603.69 $2,716.62 $3,320.00
"Park drive upon or across a carriage way $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park vehicle carrying inflammables in a built up are $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Deliver/load inflammables without Fire Brigade a $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park heavy duty vehicles in residential areas $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park in reserved parking places $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park other than extreme left of the road $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park other than in marked parking bays $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
load/unload outside loading zone $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Repair, oil,grease or wash M/V causing dirty/nuisance $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Reverse out of single banked centre parking $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Drive through centre parking without stopping $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Commutter omnibus use an unauthorised route $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Bus enter route with passengers using wrong route $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Commuter omnibus ply route contrary to its route $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Commuter omnibus divert route $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to provide refuse receptacle $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
Throw litter out of vehicle $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
9 tone drive through CBD $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Overnight parking in the CBD $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Prevent passenger from enganging other taxis $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Taxi plyning for hire other than in a designated place $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Drive a taxi cab without a taxi badge $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to display tariff of fares $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Advertise tariff of fares high than prescribed $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Allow driver to drive a taxi cab without taxi badge $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Demand fare higher than prescribed $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to renew taxi licence $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Cyclists ride other than in a single file $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
Ride other than in a cycle track $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
Failure to produce handcart/cycle licence $301.85 $1,358.31 $1,660.00
Failure to operate along designated route $603.69 $2,716.62 $3,320.00
Failure to produce a valid route authority $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to produce operators licences $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Taxi cab fail to produce route authority $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Taxi company fail to produce operators licence $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Failure to display certificate of fitness $905.54 $4,074.93 $4,980.00
Enter terminus without route authority $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park bus in a bay not designated for the route $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park bus to cause obstruction in a terminus $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park bus overnight in a terminus $28.40 $127.80 $156.00
Oppose way in/out in a terminus $28.40 $127.80 $156.00
Failure to display destination board $28.40 $127.80 $156.00
Park bus more than 1 hour in a terminus $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Load/offload passengers outside terminus $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Wash/clean commutter omnibus in terminus $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Repair commutter omnibus in terminus $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Repair,oil bus in terminus $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Bus fail to stick to tome table $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Park any vehicle other than public service vehicle in terminus $905.54 $4,075.93 $4,980.00
Failure to pay terminus entry fees $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Public service vehicle refuels with passengers on board $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Congregate with others causing obstruction on the pavement-per person $28.40 $127.80 $156.00
Display billboard/advertise without authority $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Display goods on sale on pavement $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Display vehicle on sale in parkings bays $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
Obstruct emergency vehicle $1,207.39 $5,433.24 $6,641.00
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free