Bulawayo City Council


About Council

City Governance

The City's Governance structure is composed of policy makers who are elected councillors. The city of Bulawayo has 29 wards , each represented by a councillor.

Corporate Vision

Bulawayo, the City of Kings, Leader in local governance excellence with a vibrant economy by year 2024.

Corporate Mission

Bulawayo, City of Kings Committed to people focused quality services in an environmentally friendly and vibrant economy to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Corporate Values

  • Integrity-(the conduct of employees, councillors and the transaction of the business of Council shall always reflect our institutional uprightness, our honesty and commitment to safeguard the unimpaired corporate image of City of Bulawayo. Integrity also implies zero-tolerance to corrupt practices.)
  • Transparency- (to the extent possible, all transactions of Council are in the public domain and the quality of openness and being able to be distinctly seen through and understood must shine through all our work.)
  • Accountability-(as the responsible authority, Council and its people shall always avail themselves to internal and public scrutiny and be ready to reckon, report and account upwards and downwards.)
  • Efficiency-(the results and outcomes set out by Council must be achieved through adequately energized and robust systems. Every effort shall be made to pursue the best of alternative options available.)
  • Fairness- (all dealings of Council with its internal and external stakeholders shall be guided by impartiality and demonstrable justice, honesty and freedom from blemish both in reality and in the perception of the public.)
  • Consultative- (the programmes and decisions of Council shall be built and utilised at all Council levels to entrench consultation as an underpinning culture of City of Bulawayo.)
  • Equal Opportunity-(all stakeholders of Council, internal, external, people or institutions are reduced to the same standard with zero tolerance for discrimination. Equally Council is alive to social inequalities that have historically excluded certain groups from the governance space, women, the elderly, youth, people living with disabilities.)
  • Environmentally Friendly- (achieving a healthy balance between human development and the urban ecosystem must form the basic philosophy of governance excellence and all programmes of Council shall adhere to and uphold good environmental principles and practice.)
  • Responsive- (fulfilling the needs and entitlements of stakeholders. City of Bulawayo’s customer focus must be doubly anchored by proactive participatory planning/action and the readiness and willingness to offer prompt and effective response action to the needs and rights of stakeholders.)

Corporate Objectives

For Bulawayo City Council to achieve its vision and mission it is necessary to put forward corporate objectives that relate to economic, social, environmental infrastructure, cultural, personnel and administrative aspects of the city. these corporate objectives are designed to stimulate development and change to address questions of the city's past, present and future and will be a measure of performance. The objectives are broad and cascade down to operational objectives that re more specific and measurable.

The Major corporate objectives

To provide local governance and facilitate cost effective and affordable infrastructure

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free