Bulawayo City Council


Council Committees

Decision Making Process in Council

Basically, decisions are made at policy and Management level. These decisions are made Through committees.

Policy Making Level

ln terms of the Urban Councils Act (cap 29:15) the Bulawayo City Council, an Urban Local Authority, makes its decisions through standing Committees. What this means is that each committee, with its own terms of reference, deliberates on those issues brought before it makes firm recommendations to the full Council which meets every first Wednesday of the month at 4.30 pm. At the full formal meeting which is open to the public, the Council can do either of the following:

  • Adopt the recommendation of the Committee in its entirety;
  • Amend/vary the recommendation;
  • Refer back the matter if it is deemed that justice was not done to the subject matter.

Council's Standing Committees

General Purpose Committee

Consisting of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chairpersons of the Councils standing committees except the Audit Committee and the future Water supplies and Water Action Committee the General Purposes Committee meets twice per month on the second and fourth Mondays at 4.00 pm, as well at 2.30pm.

Its terms of reference are as follows:

  • To assist the Mayor in the performance of his functions; and
  • To supervise and monitor the organization, operation and affairs of the Council with a view to achieving co-ordination, efficiency and economy and for that purpose the General Purposes Committee may call reports from the Town Clerk and direct him to investigate any matters it considers necessary; and
  • To appoint and discharge senior officials of the Council; and
  • To administer and control the collection of income and the expenditure for moneys by the Council; and
  • To supervise the preparation by the TOWN Clerk of annual draft estimates of income and expenditure for consideration by the Council; and
  • To initiate the making amendment or repeal of by-laws; and
  • To report to the Council of any matter referred to it by the Council; and
  • To exercise any other function that the Council may delegate to it,
  • Formulation and review of standing orders and rules of order,
  • Human resources- Procurement and Development including staff conditions of service
  • To formulate and review terms of reference of other committees
  • To monitor municipal referenda/elections
  • Management of City halls and Municipal buildings

Finance and Development Committee

Establish in terms of section 96(2) of the urban councils Act (cap 29) the committee meets once per month on the first Monday at 4.00 pm and is responsible for regulating the financial affairs of the council in accordance with standing orders and by-laws of the council.

Its terms of reference are as follows:

  • Loans
  • Accounts
  • Redemption and renewal funds
  • Assessment of rates
  • Provisional estimates of income and expenditure
  • Insurance
  • Investment
  • Pension and Provident funds
  • All matters relating to development issues, (Commercial and industrial development)
  • Financial regulations
  • Tariffs, fees and service charges
  • Grants in Aid
  • Water tariffs
  • Land sales
  • Municipal advertisements

Environmental Management and Engineering Services Committee

A creation of section 96(4) of the urban council act (29:15) the environmental Management and Engineering services committee meets once a month on the third Monday at 4.00pm.

Its terms of reference are:

  • Parks
  • Open spaces
  • Street grass cutting
  • Tree planting
  • Herbal gardens
  • Control of wood cutting and vegetation removal
  • Nature reserves
  • Refuse removal “land infill sites
  • Land inspectorate including garden allotments and urban agriculture
  • Control of pollution
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Solid waste management
  • Hazardous substances
  • Squatter control and vagrants
  • Sewerage
  • Sewerage disposal
  • Sewerage treatment work
  • Storm water drainage
  • Construction and maintenance of roads and pavements
  • Traffic regulations
  • Surveys

Health Housing and Education Committee

Created in terms of section 96(3) of the act, the Committee meets once a month on the second Tuesday at 4.00 pm.

Its terms of reference are as follows:

  • Clinics
  • Child welfare
  • Geriatric and District nursing service
  • Inspections relating to the public health matters as authorized by all laws
  • Street cleaning
  • Cemeteries and Crematoria
  • Sanitation
  • Hospitals
  • Welfare and all matters relating to housing provision and administration
  • Halls
  • Fire Brigade
  • Bus service
  • Municipal area ambulance service
  • Swimming baths
  • Street collections
  • Provision and administration of craches and primary schools and all matters relating to education
  • Music and amenities
  • Building plans
  • Refuse removal
  • Landfill sites
  • Solid waste management

Town Lands and Planning Committee

Created in terms of section 96(1) of the urban Councils Act (Cap 29:15), the Town Land and Planning Committee meets once a month on the third Tuesday at 4.00 pm.

Its terms of reference are as follows:

  • Town planning Schemes
  • All unalienated land within the municipal area
  • Acquisition and disposal
  • Stock yards aerodromes
  • Administration of the Regional, Town and Planning Act 1976
  • Preparation and implementation of Master and Local plans
  • Subdivisions and Consolidation
  • Vesting of ownership of roads, transfers of roads closure diversion of roads
  • Streets naming
  • Develop control in the city
  • Public transport, Planning and traffic management
  • Surveys
  • Urban agriculture
  • Reparation of layouts for residential, industrial and commercial development.

Municipal Procurement Board

The Municipal Procurement Board which meets once a month on the fourth /last Tuesday at 3.00pm, is established in terms of section 210 of the Act. Its terms of reference are arranging tenders and making recommendations to the Council in regard to acceptance of tenders and procurement of goods, materials and services.

Audit Committee

Established in terms of section 97 of the Act, the Audit Committee meets once a month on the fourth Tuesday at 400pm.

The terms of reference of the committee are as follows:

  • To inquire into and report upon the matter in which the finances of the Council, its assets and human resources are being used;
  • To ascertain whether the funds and assets f the Council are replied to the purposes intended and are consistent with any regulations and standing orders issued by the Council, or the Minister as the case may be;
  • To call for information, explanations and evidence in respect of any matters in respect of which the auditors have made observations
  • To receive and consider reports of internal and external auditors and make appropriate recommendations of the Council
  • To recommend to the Council appropriate methods of investments of moneys and custody of any other properties of the Council

Future Water Supplies and Water Action Committee

Created because of the region's drought proneness, this committee meets once a month on the first Tuesday at 4.00pm.

  • The Committee is responsible for all matters relating to water supplies reticulation, distribution, Rationing etc and all matters, with the exception of financial arrangements, connected with the operation and administration of the water Branch of the Engineering Services Department.

Business Committee

  • To receive the strategic and operational plans of the entities
  • To receive the conditions of service employees of the Commercial entities
  • To receive all contracts of the major capital projects and of a threshold agreed in the service level agreement of m each unit
  • To continuously monitor and evaluate the commercialized entities.
  • To advise Council on policy issues relating to commercialized entities.
  • To receive audited accounts of each of the entities.
  • To approve the appointment of the Managerial Head of each commercialized entity.
  • To receive and approve the service delivery agreements of each commercialized entity.


Road safety sub-committee

  • Considering and involving recommendations on matters relating to traffic safety in and around the city.

Local agenda 21 sub committee

  • Considering and making recommendations on matters relating to sustainable and environment friendly activities in and around the city.

Street naming sub-committee

  • Naming of the street s, schools and municipal complexes within the municipal area.

Sub-committee on allocation of stands and premises for development

  • Allocation of commercial and industrial sites/stands in the city in terms of either tenders received or through negotiation.
  • Allocation of premises for commercial, industrial and other uses in the high density areas.
  • Determination of tenders for major industrial/commercial and district commercial development.
  • Any other areas of development assigned by the finance and development committee.

Education sub-committee

  • Considering and giving recommendations on matters relating to the provision and administration crèches, primary schools and matters relating to education

Displaced persons sub-committee

  • Considering and giving recommendations on matters relating to displaced members of the community.

Management Level

There are five (6) Council; departments namely the Chamber secretary, the Department of Engineering Services, City Treasurer, Department of Health services and Department of Housing & Community Services, headed by Directors. and the Town Clerks Department.The other (5) Departments report directly to the Town Clerk and their Departments have specific responsibilities, and they also form the Management committee under the Chairmanship of the Town Clerk.

  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free