Bulawayo City Council


Transport Services

Forward Planning, Traffic & Transportation Section


This section has the following functions:

To prepare functional land use development plans that promote and guide efficient, integrated and sustainable development of the city and enhance communication.

These are separated into 2 arms:

1. The preparation and implementation of local plans, local subject plans and master plans

The role of this section is to ensure that the city has adequate ,planned land for the future development of the city. The longest time frame planned for is covered by the master plan.This ranges from 15-20 years.The local plans provide more detail from what is out lined by the Master Plan.

The Master Plan

The function of this arm of the Forward Planning Section is to produce and/or coordinate the production of the City's Master plan .To date the city has had one operative master plan and is currently in the process of completing the approval of the second master plan. This section is also responsible for the implementation of the proposals of a master plan. This entails processing of any land to be incorporated; acquisition of any property and negotiations on compensation for compensation.

To identify all environmentally fragile areas in the city and ensure their protection or rejuvenation where necessary.

Local Plans

These are more detailed plans at local scale as opposed to the master plan which covers the whole city. The local plans give details of zonings for land uses as well as permissibility of development activities. The preparation of these plans is carried out by this section .This includes the carrying out of studies up to the stage of plan approval. After approval it is the responsibility of this section to prepare base plans to enable layout draughting.

2. Traffic and Transportation Management

This section is responsible for the following:

  • Processing of road and sanitary lane closures either temporary or permanent.
  • Designs of all road alignments in the city in liaison with Roads Branch.
  • Processing of road and sanitary lane closures either temporary or permanent.
  • Processing and determining siting of billboard and on street advertising.
  • Issuing recommendation letters for commuter omnibuses and taxi cabs and storage of data on numbers of operators.
  • Drafting policy reports on transportation and traffic issues.
  • Siting of termini for conventional and commuter omnibuses.
  • Maintaining dialogue with all stakeholders in the transportation section.
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free