Bulawayo City Council


Environmental Health Branch

Health Inspectorate

  • That is food hygiene and food safety – maintain and Update a register of food premises and trade premises, inspect and swabbing of food premises and food sampling. Conduct one visit per month, swab as necessary, random sampling of food, 5 per week.
  • Licensing and registration – scrutinize and comment on all food premises plans, inspection of trade premises, health institutions, crèches, pre-schools, residential premises, enforce by laws.
  • Water quality control – select consumer sampling points in relation to who standards, that is 201 samples per month. Collect water samples and send for analysis.
  • And control of environmental pollution – set out emissions standards for pollutants. Air quality sampling and smoke observation. Approval and inspection of stationery fuel burning appliances and sources.

Cleansing Services

  • Effective solid waste management – refuse removal and disposal; review number of tasks carried out per day, removal schedule for domestic and industrial areas, e.g. weekly domestic, daily, or 3 x per week shopping areas. Ensure sanitary disposal of waste, adequate cover and compaction daily, prepare new tipping cells as the old ones fill up and provide for leachate control.
  • Reduce littering and illegal dumping – provide refuse receptacles and provide skip bins in areas generating high volumes of refuse, e.g. markets, shopping areas. Run anti-litter campaigns coupled with markets, shopping areas. Monitor contractors cleaning streets, shopping areas and sanitary lanes daily.
  • Dog patrols and licensing – conduct dog patrols and issue dog notices. Educate on need to vaccinate and licence dogs.
  • And public conveniences – maintain in a clean and good state of repair, provide cleaning materials, and repair faulty closets. Cleaned twice daily and when necessary usage areas, for example bus stops.

Pest Control

  • Mosquitoes – larviciding of water bodies, stream bank clearing, spraying rural buses.
  • Rodents – baiting along the rodent control belt, clearing vacant stands and catching rodents for species identification.

Cemeteries and Crematorium

  • Cemetery maintenance and grave digging contracted out.
  • Department’s role – monitor output (sufficient graves) monitor the quality (comply with standards), monitor grass cutting and bush clearing and provide for cremations.

Service Level

Service / Service Product Service Level Standards Location
Licensing and registration of business premises (processing of application) 48 hours (2 days) Head office
Examination of building plans 72 hours (3 days) Head office
Water and food quality monitoring Routine Head office / cleansing / pest control
Public health complaints 48 hours / on demand Head office
Provision of graves and bookings Routine / provision of graves on demand All cemeteries:
West park 09-201281
Luveve 09-521 369
Hyde park 413 504
Head office
Cremation services On demand West park crematorium
Head office
Mosquito and rodent control Routine Head office, pest control section tel 78216
Domestic waste management (residential) Once a month 65523, 74450, 73569
Cleansing Depot
75011 Ext 2078 Head Office
Commercial waste management central business district and shopping centres Daily 65523, 74450, 73569
Cleansing Depot
75011 Ext 2078 Head Office
Industrial waste management Once a month Cleansing Depot / Head Office
Clearing illegal dumps Depending on availability of resources on demand Cleansing Depot / Head Office
Cleaning of public conveniences Daily Cleansing Depot / Head Office
Street sweeping Daily Cleansing Depot / Head Office
Collection of dead animals On demand Cleansing Depot / Head Office
Dog patrols Routine Cleansing Depot/ Head Office
  • Call Centre Contacts:
  • (09) 71290 - All Networks
  • callcentre@citybyo.co.zw
  • Fire and Ambulance:
  • 993, 994 , (09) 71717
  • 08080081 - Econ toll free